Since 1975 it has been dedicated to its core business, the wheat Industry, by producing and supplying the entire Cape Verdean market with a wide range and types of flours, yeasts, food flavor enhancers and other bakery and pastry complements. It also has some by-products essential for the production of animal feed.
In addition to the company’s industrial activity, MOAVE is also engaged in commercializing rice, sugar, corn, beans, oils, olive oil, and milk, among other basic food product.
The experience, the knowledge, the quality of its products, the appreciation and respect for all of its customers, and stakeholders, among other aspects, gives MOAVE all the necessary ingredients that places it as one of the largest and most influential national reference when talking about food production and marketing.
MOAVE - Moagem de Cabo Verde, SA was registered with public faith from July 17, 1972, under the legal form of a limited company and with an initial share capital of 10 million escudos. Led by the Eng. José Ernesto Brigham da Silva, the main mentor of the project, at the time of its foundation, MOAVE had eighteen members in total.
In January of 1974, began construction work of the factory, which officially began its operations on September the 20th of 1975.
From 1975 to 2002, MOAVE's activities were limited to the production and marketing of wheat flour and its respective by-products, operating throughout the country under a monopoly regime. This was a period of great affirmation for MOAVE, as the company benefited from the unequivocal support of the Government, and the recognition of its fundamental role for the country in matters of food security. This has, to a large extent, justified the Government's participation in the company's capital from 1978 to 1998 time period.
During the same period, MOAVE accumulated revenue, which allowed it from 1999 to increase its equity to renovate its manufacturing unit through a program of investments to modernize and expand the production capacity and to diversify the company’s activities.
By proceeding with the aforementioned strategy and anticipating market liberalization, MOAVE decided to actively participate in the equity of other companies, at the same time as it took advantage of the extinction of EMPA (Public Utility Company) to diversify its businesses, betting on the import and marketing of other basic food products, namely corn/maize, rice and sugar.
Since then, MOAVE has been experiencing a new period of success, becoming one of the country's leading companies in the industrial and commercial food sector to date.
Nevertheless, the challenges are increasingly difficult, requiring a permanent search for new solutions and alternatives that will ensure that the company’s history continues to be told for many, more years to come.
Customers and consumers
As a socially responsible company, MOAVE produces and sells safe products of great value for customers and consumers, which meet their needs and expectations.
MOAVE undertakes to fulfil its obligations to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to its products and services.
The sale services open channels for dialogue with current and potential customers through the latest information and communication technologies.Employees
Food safety and Quality of products and services are fundamental and permanent orientations for all services, which through positive and proactive attitudes consolidate the competitive position of the company's image. To this end, MOAVE invests in the training, sensitization and qualification of its employees at all levels in the organization.
MOAVE directs its activities towards the continuous improvement of its products, services and processes, using the best practices of quality and food safety and the safest technologies.
Suppliers, partners and other stakeholders
MOAVE develops stable and mutually advantageous relationships with its suppliers, partners and other stakeholders.
Social Responsibility
The company supports the development of local communities in the areas of education, sports, socio-cultural activities and health.
The company's strategic orientations ensure its competitiveness and sustainability in the present and future through:
- Efficient management of resources, of risks associated with products, of processes and technologies, and of continuous improvement.
- Funding for innovation and development.
- Optimization of processes, reduction of non-value added activities and unnecessary costs.
Innovation for the Future
Progress and innovation are fundamental to MOAVE’s competitiveness, so opportunities for improvement should be analyzed, developed and supported continuously.
The resources necessary for the development of new businesses, products and services will be made available in an appropriate manner, aiming at preventing problems and anticipating the needs of present and future generations.

Administrative Council
DOMINGOS SANTOS - Administrator
JOÃO LEÃO - President
SÓNIA MORAIS - Administrator

General Director


Commercial Director

Operational Director

Quality Manager

Team Commercial Center

Team Commercial Center